Date and Time
Saturday Nov 11, 2023
7:00 PM - 10:00 PM CST
Sat., Nov 11th
Richardson Adventure Farm
9407 Richardson Road
Spring Grove IL 60081
$20 per person
Contact Information
Community Church of Richmond (815-678-6521)

Everyone's invited to a night a trivial fun! Doors open at 6:00 with the first question at 7:00. Teams answer 4 rounds of trivia questions, over the course of 2-3 hours. Points are awarded for correct answers and the winning team wins trophies, prizes and endless glory. Teams are encouraged to bring their own snacks; beverages of many types are available for purchase. Registration is $20/person. Teams can have up to 8 people. Pre-registration is strongly encouraged. There's also a silent auction for a variety of gift baskets--something for everyone! Please bring cash or checks for the silent auction.
Call the church (815-678-6521) or download the registration form at to register today!