Date and Time
Saturday Dec 2, 2023
9:00 AM - 12:00 PM CST
Saturday, Dec 2 9am - 12pm
N1161 Clover Rd, Genoa City, WI
kids 11 and under are $8 and 12 and older are $12
Photos with Santa and Mrs. Clause are $5 per person without purchase of "Breakfast with Santa"

Come have breakfast with Santa and Mrs. Claus!! the fun begins at 9am! kids 11 and under are $8 and 12 and older are $12, that includes Pancakes, Sausage, Bacon, Scrambled Eggs and Homestyle Potatoes AND pictures with Santa and Mrs. Claus.
Photos with Santa and Mrs. Clause are $5 per person without purchase of "Breakfast with Santa"
photos are taken by you so you have the perfect picture you want!
any questions message us on Facebook!