Date and Time
Wednesday Oct 18, 2023
7:15 AM - 4:00 PM CDT
Wednesday, October 18 7:15AM-4:00PM
Avante Banquets
1050 Northwest Highway, Fox River Grove, IL
$80 non-refundable (breakfast & lunch included)
Contact Information
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Presented by: Amelia Garza, MBA, MA, CFRE, Diversity and Inclusion Manager, Alzheimer’s Association of Illinois
1.5 CEUs Dementia
1.5 CEUs Culture
10:15 am to 11:45 am Addressing Spiritual Needs in Persons Living with Dementia at the End of Life
Presented by: Chaplain Chad Leonard, MSW, Board Certified Chaplain and Social Worker, Gentiva Hospice
1.5 CEUs Dementia
1.5 CEUs Ethics
11:45 am to 12:45 pm Lunch
12:45 pm to 2:15 pm The Music Inside: Discovering the Power of Music for Persons Living with Dementia
Presented by: Carla Bacon Smith, Music Therapist, Lifetime Expressions
1.5 CEUs Dementia
2:30 pm to 4:00 pm Health Disorders & Dementia: When Worlds Collide
Presented by: Chris Petrik, RN, BS DCC-CI, Director of Training, Elderwerks Educational Services
1.5 CEUs Dementia
.5 CEUs Bias