Date and Time
Saturday Mar 9, 2024
9:30 AM - 10:30 AM CST
March 9th
Main Stay Therapeutic Farm
6919 Keystone Rd.,
Richmond, IL 60071
Free! Reserve your complimentary ticket by scanning the QR Code!
Did you know that educating the immune system is a thing? IT IS!!!
It's different than boosting or supporting.
It's important to know what the difference is.
There is a Molecule...
Already in you, who's job it is to:
Rocgnize a threat (like a virus, bacteria, parastie, etc.)
Respond to that threat (by sending perfect instructions to your NK cells)
Remember that threat for the future.
Did you know...
This tiny molecule is making a GREAT BIG splash across the nation but has been here since the beginning of time.
Why don't we know about this?
If the immune system...
cannot figure out why we have a symptom it will do one of 2 things:
1. Nothing and we get sick/sicker -or-
2 Too much and we have autoimmune issues..