Date and Time
Monday Jan 12, 2026
6:00 PM - 8:00 PM CST
Every 2nd Monday of the month
Fox Lake Volunteer Fire Dept
114 Washington St.
Ingleside IL
Bingo cards are available at $15 per pack, or you can take advantage of our special offer of two packs for just $25.
Contact Information
Promote Fox Lake
Send Email

Join us every 1st Monday night from 6pm - 9pm at the Fox Lake Volunteer Fire Dept to play bingo for a cause!
Promote Fox Lake is partnering with the Fox Lake Volunteer Fire Department to raise funds to support our community. The proceeds from our bingo events will go towards helping local families to offset the costs of caring for loved ones with special needs. Drink sale revenue will also help with the ongoing maintenance of the Fox Lake Volunteer Fire Department building.