Date and Time
Thursday Nov 9, 2023
2:00 PM - 2:45 PM CST
Thurs, Nov 9th
CASA of McHenry County
382 W. Virginia Street
Crystal Lake IL 60014
Contact Information
CASA of McHenry County

Join CASA of McHenry County
in collaboration with
Associated Bank
For a FREE
Financial Educational Session
Protect Your Identity
(Safeguard Your Identity this Upcoming Holiday Season)
CASA of McHenry County has teamed up with Associated Bank to provide you with complimentary financial education and resources.
Join us on Thursday, November 9, 2023 from 2:00 - 2:45 p.m., for the first in a series of financial educational sessions offered by CASA of McHenry County. This will be an in-person gathering at CASA of McHenry County, 382 W. Virginia Street, Crystal Lake, IL.
This first informational session is geared towards identity theft prevention and the ever-evolving types of fraud to be on the lookout for. Discover helpful tips to protect yourself and your family during this upcoming holiday season. Join us for our interactive raffle - for the chance to win a prize! Additional financial education resources will be provided at no cost to you. Register Today! For more information, please contact Bea Pedersen.
Presented by Emily Lunde, Relationship Banker, Associated Bank, Richmond, Illinois. Dedicated to your financial wellness.