Date and Time
Saturday Dec 2, 2023
2:00 PM - 4:00 PM CST
Sat., Dec 2nd
2PM - 4PM
KC's Cabin
309 IL-173
Spring Grove IL 60081
Contact Information
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Hosted by NICC, come meet a few of the Wisco Sled Divas at KCs Cabin on December 2 from 2-4! They’ll be around to answer your snowmobile questions like:
-What is a snowmobile?
-How do I layer to stay warm?
-What should I do to prepare for the season?
-I’m new to snowmobiling…any tips?
-What trips can you recommend in Wisconsin or the UP?
-How do I layer to stay warm?
-What should I do to prepare for the season?
-I’m new to snowmobiling…any tips?
-What trips can you recommend in Wisconsin or the UP?
While you’re there ladies, join the Wisco Sled Divas Facebook community! There will also be a prize drawing with goodies from the SkiDoo Outlet and WSD!