Stellar Results Realty

Stellar Results Realty


Real Estate Service

About Us

We know results are important to you when buying or selling a home. Our aim is to provide a stellar experience from start to finish. The best possible result? A highly satisfied client!

We care about you, your experience, and providing an excellent outcome. We believe integrity matters. We believe excellence matters. We believe effective communication matters. We believe YOU matter!

We love real estate. More importantly, we love helping the people we are privileged to serve with their real estate needs. We get that this isn’t just a transaction for you. So often, real estate is at the heart of a major milestone moment whether buying or selling.

Sometimes, we are cheering with you in times of joy and excitement. It’s your first home (or 15 th ), and you have a lot to celebrate. We love those moments! It’s fun for us too.

Sometimes, there are harder seasons and reasons we meet. We’re here for you in those difficult times as well. Our goal is to be as helpful and sensitive to your needs as possible.

We believe in driving great results for you too. We want you to get the home of your dreams, and we’ll do what we can to help you get there. We want you to sell your home swiftly and for a good financial return. We want all the good outcomes you’d expect from an excellent real estate brokerage, and we’re committed to driving those results for you.

We care about your bottom line. We don’t forget that our most important bottom line is you.

Rep/Contact Info

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Sam Stella
Designated Managing Broker / Owner
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Tracy Stella
Broker Owner